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Pop-up Line Dancing at Bullseye Tavern

July 29, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

I want to invite you to a FREE EVENT:
POP-UP Line Dancing Session at Bullseye Tavern (Graham/Swepsonville)  (Addy is Graham, GPS is Swepsonville)
MONDAY (29th JUL) starting at 7pm and rolling until about 8:15~ish or so.
Jams amplified by Dave’s Cave DJ Services ♥  Y’all know, we hit a variety of styles, and have hella fun the entire time!
Bullseye Tavern is located at 3906 HWY 54 – (easiest route from HB = take Orange Grove Road to HWY 54, hang a right travelling west on 54 and Bullseye is on your right in about five~ish miles.) Otherwise take the HWY 54 exit off the interstate and Bullseye will be on your left a little past where the 4-Lane goes down to 2-Lanes.
Bullseye has beer and wine permits and some delicious and unique mixology within those permits! They are a **CASH ONLY** establishment, so please bring lotsa moolah for beverages and to tip your bartender!!