
Dementia at Dusk-Riverwalk

Hillsborough Riverwalk 115 Nash and Kollock St, Hillsborough, NC, United States

Teepa Snow, FAOTA, OTR/L, is inviting Hillsborough residents to join her for an interactive learning opportunity on the Riverwalk to get active, enjoy nature, and explore brain health.Do you help to support a family or community friend whose  needs seem to be changing?  Curious about why this is happening and what you might do to … Continued

Dementia at Dusk-Gold Park Pavilion

Gold Park 415 Dimmocks Mill Road, Hillsborough , NC, United States

Join Teepa Snow, FAOTA, OTR/L, live and in person for a free community building educational experience. Teepa will engage and share helpful and practical knowledge and skills to help raise our communities awareness about brain change and how to respond effectively to different needs as they arise. Come and ask questions, explore ways to help … Continued

Dementia at Dusk

Hillsborough, NC, United States

  Teepa Snow, FAOTA, OTR/L, is a leader in dementia education and care. She is helping to lead the Creative Care Collaborative to create an inclusive, supportive community here in the heart of Orange County . Come and engage with Teepa and her mentors to learn about the  SnowApproach , how to meet people where … Continued