
Historic Hillsborough Guided Walking Tours 2023

Hillsborough Visitors Center 150 E King Street, Hillsborough, NC, United States

  Experience American history through the unique perspective of one of North Carolina’s oldest and most historically significant towns, with a guided walking tour of downtown Hillsborough. Established in 1754 as the seat of government for Orange County, Hillsborough’s colonial legacy and signs of its importance in North Carolina and American history can be seen … Continued

EQUINOX – A House Party Benefiting Hillsborough Arts

Hillsborough, NC, United States

Join us on Saturday, March 18 at the home of local textile artist and HAC Board Member, Ali Givens, for an evening of spring surprises. Live music by Blake Christiana of Yarn, festive food & drink, and curated arts experiences are the recipe for a night you won't want to miss. ​TICKETS ON SALE NOW! … Continued

$85 – $155