
Hillsborough United Methodist Church c.1860

About Hillsborough United Methodist Church c.1860

The first Methodist church in Hillsborough was a frame structure located on E. Tryon Street. The church on this site was begun around 1860 on land purchased by church trustees in 1859.


The Civil War interrupted the completion of this building and new building wasn’t fully paid for until 1874. It has the distinction of being the only known Hillsborough church both designed and built by native artchitect, John Berry. The structure follows the Greek Revival form with a front pediment with modillion, or refined bracketed, cornice and pilaster walls. The tall narrow 16/16 sash side windows with molded surrounds recall the windows of the Old Orange County Courthouse built earlier by Berry.

The interior features louvered shutters, a gallery where slaves were seated, the original pews, and an unusual pulpit with fluted columns (now somewhat reduced in height).


130 W. Tryon St.
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Phone: 919.732.3460
Website: Visit Website