How to have a Spooky Halloweekend in Hillsborough

The word “Halloween” was previously known to Europeans as All Hallows’ Eve. Both All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints’ Day paid homage to saints, but began to incorporate some Samhain traditions and eventually evolved into Halloween as we know it today.
A distinctly American version of Halloween began as the beliefs of Europeans and Native Americans merged. There was a move in the late 1800s to shift the ideology of Halloween into a more community and neighborhood-focused holiday rather than being about spirits, witchcraft, and mischief.
Today, Halloween is America’s second largest holiday after Christmas. Celebrate this year with these seven Halloween events that are sure to get you in the spooky spirit!
Friday, October 29th:
Downtown Business Trick or Treat, 3pm-6pm
Start your Halloweekend off strong by trick or treating downtown! Over 25 local businesses are participating, and this is sure to be a fun and candy-filled afternoon. Find a full list of participating businesses by scanning the QR code above, and don’t forget to show up in your best costume and bring your sweet tooth!
Last Fridays Art Walk, 6pm – 9pm
Don’t head home from downtown Hillsborough just yet – the fun is only beginning! The Last Fridays Art Walk promotes the work of local artists in participating downtown galleries and businesses. Many galleries host opening receptions and meet and greets with artists, offering light snacks and beverages. Each month is different, welcoming live performances from local musicians and outdoor entertainment. More information can be found at The Hillsborough Arts Council’s website here.
Colonial PumpkINN Carving Event, 4:30pm-9:00pm | $7
The Colonial Inn at 153 W King Street is hosting a community pumpkin carving event that will then transform into Hillsborough’s first glow walk on Saturday! What a delight it will be for adults and children alike to walk under the glow hand-carved pumpkins on display within our local downtown businesses and surrounding community.Participants can pre-order pumpkins from Eno River Farm for $7. If you would like to bring your own pumpkin or purchase on the day of the event, you are more than welcome to join us and take part in the festivities.
Saturday, October 30th:
Carving Pumpkins with Goats, 10am-6pm
Take another stab at pumpkin carving without the mess at Spring Haven Farm! Find the perfect pumpkin in the pumpkin patch and then take it into the goat pasture to carve it with all the cute, friendly goats! All of the tools you need to carve the pumpkin are available at each table and will be sterilized between each use. The goats love to nibble on the insides of the pumpkins after you scoop them out.
Come join in the fun and meet all the animals like Peppa Pig, Annie the Donkey and Flint the Horse. Kids can take the Tractor Train Express and….. if you dare to enter, The Haunted Farm Maze! Even get your fortune read in the witches hut! All farm activities including the Tractor Train Rides are included in the ticket price! Tasty snacks, drinks, and animal treats can be bought at the farm stand. Tickets are only available online. Tickets are $13.50 each and pumpkins to carve with the goats or to take home are $8 – $16 depending on size.
Entry for kids 3 and under is free. You have the choice to schedule your arrival time between 10:00am and 6:00pm Wednesday – Sunday. Each hour has a limited number of tickets available. Once on the farm you can stay as long as you like. The farm is open until 8:00pm. The Farm is all set up to allow for social distancing and there are plenty of hand sanitizer stations and hand washing areas. **No outside pumpkins are allowed**
Colonial Inn Glow Walk, 6pm-9pm
If you carved a pumpkin this season (which, who didn’t?) please come to the Inn as part of Hillsborough’s first Glow Walk! Jack O’Lanterns will be distributed throughout the Inn. We are hoping the downtown community, including residents, will display Jack O’ Lanterns for all to see!
Sunday, October 31st: Halloween!
McKee Corn Field Maze and Pumpkins, 1pm-7pm
Enjoy a fun and family-friendly afternoon at McKee’s Corn Maze! 2021 is the 20th year for McKee’s Corn Maze, one of the largest mazes in NC. Come pick pumpkins, enjoy the farm animals, take a hayride, or relax and eat ice cream.
Hillsborough’s Hauntings: A Spooky Self-Guided Walking Tour presented by the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough is a free download available at
Wrap up your Halloweekend with a spooky self-guided walking tour, sure to send chills down your spine!
Hillsborough is a very old town and its inhabitants date back thousands of years. The Occaneechi settled on lands surrounding the Eno River around the 1400s, but by 1712 they were displaced by European settlers. Hillsborough has also seen brutal conflicts like the Revolutionary War and the Civil War come to its streets. Due to Hillsborough’s history, it is not surprising that stories and legends of spirits, ghosts, and haints have been around for many years. Is Hillsborough haunted? Take our tour and decide for yourself! All we know is that if you are driving late at night, lock your doors before the ghost of a monkey can get in your back seat… and remember, there is a reason why the ceilings of porches in town have been painted haint blue!